Portuguese Studies Review

ISSN 1057-1515
Appearing since 1991
Formerly published by the ICGP (International Conference Group on Portugal)
The PSR is a non-partisan academic and transnational forum for the study of countries, regions, communities, and institutions sharing, exploring, transforming, or developing a Portuguese, Brazilian, or other Luso-related heritage  

Multi-lingual, peer reviewed, agenda-free research forum. Articles, review essays, and reviews in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish.


PSR Edited Volume: Volume 2

Encounters in Borderlands: Portugal, Ceuta, and the 'Other Shore'
Edited by Martin M. Elbl

Portuguese Studies Review Edited Volumes , No. 2. Toronto and Peterborough: Baywolf Press / Éditions Baywolf, 2019. 358 + xvi pages; ills. and maps; 9" x 6"; list price: $ 34.75 CAD ; ISBN 978-0-921437-56-7 (soft-cover). Shipping from Peterborough, Ontario, CANADA. In stock.

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tangier architecture
OCLC Subject Tags:
1. Portugal--History--15th century; 3. Portugal--History--16th century; 4. Portugal--History--17th century; 5. Portugal--History, Military; 6. North Africa -- History; 7. Portugal-Literature; 8. Overseas Contact-History; 8. Urbanistics; 9. Fortification-History; 9. Women-History;
Identifier: ISBN: 9780921437567 ; ISBN: 978-0-921437-56-7 (pbk.)
Library Call Number: to be assigned.

Encounters in Borderlands: Portugal, Ceuta, and the 'Other Shore
a new collection edited by Martin Malcolm Elbl, presents studies by Kátia Brasilino Michelan, Susani Silveira Lemos França and Michelle Souza e Silva, Marcelo Santiago Berriel, Luís André Nepomuceno, Maria Isabel João, Ivana Elbl, Martin Malcolm Elbl, Jordi Mas Garriga, Luís Costa e Sousa, and Ana Teresa de Sousa. Encounters in Borderlands seeks to highlight some of the more subtle and obscure echoes that expansion, conquest, encroachment and pushback leave in the written and material record. Such echoes reflect a diversity of drivers. These range from curiosity and repulsion to attraction and rejection, altruism and thirst for gain, search for security and search for dominance, self-shaping as a polar opposite of the 'other,' and much more -- all the way to converse states of virtually becoming the 'other' in ways that are either conscious and voluntary or unwitting and involuntary. The entire game of 'global chess' as well as the post factum memorializing of specific developments is intricately shaped by these. Words and artifacts are not a straightforward record or manifestation of the forces at play, and it is worthwhile to pay attention to them in contexts where meanings are veiled or ambiguous and where the sources of those meanings may need to be identified more closely. The first part of the collection tracks such echoes in political and historical narratives, descriptive texts, inspirational and doctrinal literature, and in the 'staging' of ideology and memory. The second part explores discrete aspects of the military and material record and addresses issues of cultural borrowing, ostensible and de facto strategy and tactics, situational learning and the lack thereof, toponymic palimpsests, and cross-cultural continuities and discontinutities in the built environment.

Encounters in Borderlands: Portugal, Ceuta, and the 'Other Shore,' une nouvelle collection dirigée par Martin Malcolm Elbl, présente des études par Kátia Brasilino Michelan, Susani Silveira Lemos França et Michelle Souza e Silva, Marcelo Santiago Berriel, Luís André Nepomuceno, Maria Isabel João, Ivana Elbl, Martin Malcolm Elbl, Jordi Mas Garriga, Luís Costa e Sousa et Ana Teresa de Sousa. Encounters in Borderlands cherche à mettre en lumière certains échos assez subtils et obscurs que l'expansion, la conquête, l'empiètement et le refoulement laissent dans les archives écrites et matérielles. Ces échos reflètent une diversité de facteurs. Ceux-ci s'étalent depuis la curiosité et la répulsion jusqu'à l’attraction et au rejet, à l’altruisme et à la soif du gain, à la recherche de sécurité et de domination, à l’auto-façonnage en tant que contraire absolu de « l’autre », et bien plus encore -- jusqu’aux états de pratiquement devenir « l'autre » d'une manière soit consciente et volontaire soit inconsciente et involontaire. Tout le « grand jeu d'échecs » à l'échelle globale, ainsi que les commémorations postérieures de développements spécifiques en sont imprégnées. Les mots et les choses n'enregistrent pas les forces en jeu d'une manière simple. Il s'avère donc utile de les examiner de plus près dans des contextes où les significations se trouvent voilées ou ambiguës et où l'on puisse avoir besoin d'identifier les sources de ces significations d'une manière plus serrée. La première partie de la collection retrace de tels échos dans les récits politiques et historiques, dans des textes descriptifs, dans la littérature moralisante et doctrinale, ainsi que dans des « mises en scène » d'idéologie et de la mémoire. La deuxième partie explore le registre militaire et matériel et aborde des questions d’emprunt culturel, de stratégies et de tactiques ostensibles et factuelles, d’apprentissage par une mise en situation et de ses faillites, de palimpsestes toponymiques, et de continuités et discontinuités interculturelles dans l’environnement bâti.

Relevancy Profiling Tags: Portuguese overseas expansion -- history; military history -- Portugal and overseas areas; Early Modern military reforms -- tactics -- fortification -- weapons; Gil Vicente -- interpretation of works; Franciscan Order (OFM) -- Observant reform -- history and doctrinal works -- perception of the 'Other' -- heresy and orthodoxy; Islam -- 'Moors' (mouros) -- historical perceptions of; Tangier -- street names; urban toponymy -- cross-cultural preservation of toponyms -- linguistics of toponyms; urban plans -- reverse mapping; knightly ethos -- territorial acquisition -- ideology and narrative; chivalry -- narrative aspects -- links to ideology and policy; women -- cross-cultura; perspectives and perceptions -- narrative and cultural 'projection'; cross-cultural contact -- mediation and filtering of perceptions; chronicle texts -- state-building and ideological aspects; Crown policies and strategies -- fiscal -- administrative -- Portugal and overseas areas; palatial dwellings -- role as command centres and military installations; nobility -- lineage strategies -- economy of rewards -- military forces and use of incentives.


tangier architecture Keyword Array (Random Sampling, Non-Alphabetical, Minimal Sample): Crónica da Tomada de Ceuta, D. Afonso X, Ceuta, Salé, Larache, Córdoba, Nuno Álvares Pereira (1360-1431), D. Pedro de Meneses, Infante D. Henrique (1394-1460), Fernão Lopes (138?-1460), Mateus de Pisano, Tangier, D. Pedro de Barcelos, Gil Vicente, Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis, Ksar es-Seghir (Alcácer Ceguer), Duarte Galvão, D. Manuel I, D. Afonso Henriques, Lisbon, Valentim Fernandes, Ordenanças Manuelinas, Strait of Gibraltar, Tordesilhas, Lopo Rodrigues, Sebastião Gonçalves Pita, Gomes Eanes de Zurara, Coimbra, D. Francisco de Melo, Charles V, esquadrão, D. Álvaro de Toledo, Battle of Alcácer Quibir, Sa‘did dynasty (Morocco), D. Sebastião, D. Juan da Silva, Asilah (Arzila), Campo dos Pomares, tranqueira, Marshan Plateau, Oued al-Ihoud, Oued Moghogha, atalaia, Fez, tercio (military formation), Porto, Algarve, D. Pedro II, Guerra da Restauração (1640-1668), Campoi Maior, Elvas, Viana do Castelo, Gregório Gomes Henriques de Matos, Corpo de Engenheiros Militares, fortaleza de Monção, Fazenda Real, Horologium Fidei, D. Fernando da Guerra, Roman Curia, Colégio de S. Boaventura, Fr. João Xira, Fr. Rodrigo de Cintra, Ordenações Afonsinas, Chronica XXIV Generalium Ordinis Minorum, André do Prado, Estudo Geral do Convento de São Francisco, Antoniotto Usodimare, Luís de Cadamosto (Alvise da Cá da Mosto), Duarte Pacheco Pereira, Budomel, Gambia River, D. Duarte de Menezes, Gonçalo Afonso de Sintra, Costa da Mina, Rui de Pina, Niccoloso da Recco, Ilha de Palma, Gold Coast (Costa do Ouro), D. João II, Sierra Leone, Jerônimo Münzer (Hieronymus Münzer, Monetarius), Gran Canaria, Barca da Glória, Voyage of Saint Brendan, sacrament of penance, Hieronymus Bosch, Cancioneiro Geral de Garcia de Resende, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Edgar Prestage, Associação Naval de Lisboa, Anselmo Braamcamp Freire, D. Filipa de Lencastre, Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Estado da Índia, Goa, Afonso de Albuquerque, Brás de Albuquerque, D. João de Castro, Escola Colonial, Rua de San Sebastián, qaysāriyya, qasaba, Dār al-Imāra, D. Afonso I (Count of Barcelos), Niklas Lankmann von Falkenstein, Georg (Jörg) von Ehingen (1428−1508), Muralla Real, D. Afonso de Noronha, Casa de los Cuentos, Torre de Rebato, D. Álvaro de Bazán y Guzmán.




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National Library of Canada Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals. 4. Portugal–Civlisation–Périodiques. 5. Afrique lusophone– Civilisation–Périodiques. 6. Brésil–Civilisation–Périodiques.
DP532             909/.0917/5691005 21

Library of Congress Cataloguing Record
Portuguese Studies Review
ISSN 1057-1515 print
v. : ill. : 23 cm
1. Portugal–Civilization–Periodicals. 2. Africa, Portuguese-speaking–Civilization–Periodicals. 3. Brazil–Civilization–Periodicals.
DP532 .P67       909/.091/5691 20 92-659516

dexing: American History and Life, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Complete, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; EBSCOHost. Archive: Google Books (preview program now terminated, replaced by a preview program on our own sites); GALE/Cengage Learning (Academic OneFile).

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